Friday 24 February 2012

Writers block...

We are suppose to post these weekly blogs in order to become "thought leaders" which is fantastic. But what happens when you really have nothing to say. I could do the oh so every done blog about my personal interests, where I want to be in the next 10 years or some cool ad. Let's be honest for 5 seconds, I don't want to read blogs like that so why would anyone else?

When I ask people around me how they come up with their ideas for posting they tell me to look at ads and analyze them, give my opinion. My opinion really doesn't matter to these corporations who create them. Unless of course I have a large enough blog following to influence people...which I don't.

I'm really not a blogger, I'm not a fan of writing my thoughts for the whole world to read. And I'm almost positive no one cares about what I have to say. Anyways, moving on I'm asking all 10 of my followers to please give me suggestions on what to blog about, that would be super!

Until next time,


Friday 17 February 2012

Sponsorship in Bowling

Yep, another post about Bowling. It's funny but I never thought bowling to be the same kind of sport as other sports. Huh? You might say. Other sports traditionally sell areas on their jerseys, stadiums, ect. where companies can advertise. What made me think bowling wasn't the same, I don't have a clue.

I was watching some old bowling championships last night on Youtube from 2004 and let's use Pete Weber as one of the examples of what was on his Jersey. Storm bowling, Turbo, and Dexter just to name a few.  Also the boards around the center have advertising space to be bought. Some companies that have done it in this specific tournament are: Pepsi, Holiday Inn and various other bowling companies.

I'm not sure if any of these sponsorship opportunities are worth the money that they cost but I do know that it increases the awareness of their company within the bowling community.

Friday 10 February 2012

Pinterest, my new love.

I've seen all my friends posting their "pins" on Facebook. What the heck is that? So I investigated into what was happening. According to the Pinterest website it is, 

"Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.
Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests."
Oh my gosh, a website that let's me search for images of baked goods (that's what I use it for)  and save the recipes so I can bake them later. Yep, my day is made! 
Which leads me to my next fact I'd like to talk about. How amazing would it be if I could open my own bakery? I'm addicted to those shows like Cake Boss, Cupcake girls and all those other baking shows. I guess that means my life goal is to work in Events or Social Media and then when I am stable and can afford it, to open my own bakery where I can live my dreams.

Friday 3 February 2012

Sigma Makeup Choose Me!

Beauty Blogging...or should I say Vloging has really started to capture my interest. Companies are beginning to notice the growing trend of Youtube videos and online communities, including myself! Around 2009 I began to watch Youtube beauty Guru videos. These girls or sometimes guys focus on hair, makeup and products that they recommend or warn you to never try.

There are a few main Guru's that stand out in my mind as successful.

Michelle Phan

The Youtube Beauty community began to grow from young adults taking a personal interest in sharing their thoughts on most female's favourite subject. Eventually companies began to embrace the fact their consumers were discussing their products and found their brand ambassadors.  

Companies such as: 
     -Sigma Makeup Brushes

After reading The Groundswell last semester I realized this is a wise choice to find the people already talking about you and your company and influence them on what they should talk about. So sending these girls your new eye shadow or the latest makeup brushes to try and review. Girls trust their friends or in this case other girls. 

I want to be a beauty Vlogger. I love makeup and I love sharing my opinion... Who doesn't? 

Now time to get a HD Camera, good lighting and a youtube Channel. 

Until then,

Lights, Camera, Lashes

Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Pink Panther has a whole new meaning...

Focus, breathe.
Line up, release.
Ball rolling, watching.
Praying, pins falling.

Bowling, a passé sport... or is it? Bowling holds a large controversy on whether it really is a sport. Bowling provides an anaerobic type of physical activity. Similar to activities such as walking with free weights. Sounds like a sport to me. 

After meeting my current boyfriend, Hartwyn, he convinced me to join in on the bowling community. I started out ten pin bowling on the odd night with him and quickly become interested. Last year I joined the Saturday morning Junior League. As I learned more and more about the technique and skill that is required to play, I began to form an interest in bowling equipment.

There are various companies that produce and sell bowling balls and equipment. One, which my boyfriend has used in the past, is Lane #1. Lane #1 released a bowling ball called the pink panther. After seeing the ad for this ball I must say I questioned Lane #1’s advertising tactics.

As seen in the ad above, Lane #1 chose to use an image of a young tattooed female. This female holds an edgy feel and may be trying to convey that she is a “panther”. But why would a bowling company use a young female to sell their bowling ball.  I did some investigating and after countless hours of searching online I found nothing. 

Not a single mention of the ad or the young female in it. I questioned Hartwyn’s reasoning for purchasing The Pink Panther ball and his answer was just what I assumed it would be. Hartwyn explain that, “I chose to purchase the Pink Panther because of its specs. It was the first Lane #1 ball to go back to the original core with in 2 years.” Just as I suspected, the bowling community for the most part purchases their equipment based on the specs and features that best suits them.

So to finish this up I want to ask you, does sex really sell or in this case, pretty girls? Or is that passé as well?

Friday 20 January 2012

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” The age-old question we are all faced with when making our decision to branch out and explore post-secondary education...or not. Growing up I dreamed of having my own studio and painting my days away. Quickly I learned that if I want to have the luxuries in life I’m going to need a well paying job. Grade 12 year I spent a generous amount of time with the school guidance counselor discussing where I could go with my life, she suggested Advertising/Integrated Marketing Communications as it allows you to pair business with the arts.

That’s where we fast forward 3 years, my last semester of college before heading out into the working world where I truly do need to decide, what do I want to be when I grow up? As scary as this is to say I have no idea where I want to work or even what field I want to work in. In the last year I have dipped my toes into many different fields and had a taste of what they are like. From Social Media Management, Public Relations, Events to Sales. Luckily that showed me two things; the things I like and the things I wish to never encounter again.

This semester is set up as if we’re working in an agency and I hold the role of IMC Planner Public Relations and Events. Cool right? That’s what I thought too but day after day I keep asking myself is this really what I want to do? How does one make the decision to dedicate the rest of their working life to one field? Which I suppose leads into finding a 6-week placement… I want my placement to reflect what I want to do with my life and possibly set me up for a job offer, how do you ensure that happens when you have no clue where your passion hides?

Happy hunting to me and anyone else out there searching for a job they are excited to do everyday of their life.
