Friday 20 January 2012

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” The age-old question we are all faced with when making our decision to branch out and explore post-secondary education...or not. Growing up I dreamed of having my own studio and painting my days away. Quickly I learned that if I want to have the luxuries in life I’m going to need a well paying job. Grade 12 year I spent a generous amount of time with the school guidance counselor discussing where I could go with my life, she suggested Advertising/Integrated Marketing Communications as it allows you to pair business with the arts.

That’s where we fast forward 3 years, my last semester of college before heading out into the working world where I truly do need to decide, what do I want to be when I grow up? As scary as this is to say I have no idea where I want to work or even what field I want to work in. In the last year I have dipped my toes into many different fields and had a taste of what they are like. From Social Media Management, Public Relations, Events to Sales. Luckily that showed me two things; the things I like and the things I wish to never encounter again.

This semester is set up as if we’re working in an agency and I hold the role of IMC Planner Public Relations and Events. Cool right? That’s what I thought too but day after day I keep asking myself is this really what I want to do? How does one make the decision to dedicate the rest of their working life to one field? Which I suppose leads into finding a 6-week placement… I want my placement to reflect what I want to do with my life and possibly set me up for a job offer, how do you ensure that happens when you have no clue where your passion hides?

Happy hunting to me and anyone else out there searching for a job they are excited to do everyday of their life.



  1. Robin, it is indeed a difficult task trying to find one's career path. I have an inkling of where I intend to go within the marketing communications field, but by no means am I certain.

    I am sure you will find out soon where you intend to go, it will just depend on the circumstances of your placement experience and future ones to determine it.

  2. Thanks Chris! I certainly hope my placement steers me in the right path. There certainly isn't a lack of guidance from our lovely Professors.
